Report Title: Invoice Uploads

Category: General

Available to: All users

Pricing Package: Basic


The Invoice Uploads report shows how many invoices have been uploaded to your account in a given time frame and the status of those invoices.

Best practices for this report include filtering and pivot tables in Excel / Google Sheets.  

Dashboard View


GroupGroup of locations to run the report on.  To run the report on all locations, leave this blank.
LocationTo run a report for a single location, select the location's Group, and choose the location from the dropdown.

Invoice Date Range

A date must be selected, so either choose a pre-filled Date Range including today's date, yesterday, the last 7 days, month to date, last 30 days, last 3 months, last 1 year, or a custom Date Range.
Invoice DateMandatory date field that is pre-populated if a Date Range is selected, or can be manually populated by entering a start and end date.  These dates are inclusive, meaning 06/01/19 will return data from June 1st as well.
EmailPre-populated with the user's email address.  Additional emails can be included by appending other comma-separated emails.


LocationLocation of the invoice
Total UploadsNumber of total uploads
VerifiedNumber of verified invoices
Number of incomplete invoices
DuplicateNumber of duplicate invoices
DeletedNumber of deleted invoices
Number of archived invoices

