Hierarchical relationships are leveraged for line item dimensions. You can see which line items are using hierarchical relationships indicated by the hierarchical dimension icon (see below).

E.g. Project is the parent dimension (root node). Cost Code depends on Project, so this is the branch; Cost Type depends on Cost Code, so this is the child node. Department is a standalone dimension.

  • Child dimensions are not enabled in an unmapped state. You must code the parent dimension to enable the child dimension.

  • If you edit the mapping for any parent dimension, all subsequent child dimensions will be reset and become unmapped.

  • The hierarchical relationship between dimensions is maintained for AP lite invoices or invoices with manual splits

Always remember that 

→ Location specific rules always take precedence over company wide rules while coding a line item dimension.

→ Manual mapping takes precedence over rules. E.g., if a user overrides an automapped value for a line item dimension,  manual mapping takes precedence.

→ Hierarchical dimensions will always be automapped based on the rules that exist for each of them in the hierarchical structure.

→ If rules do not exist for any of the parent dimensions or if there is an inconsistency between rules, the leaf node’s rule will always take precedence and parent dimensions will be mapped accordingly.