This report shows unpaid invoices by their corresponding aging bucket, including invoice approval status and outstanding balances for selected locations and vendors. You can use this report to manage payables, track overdue invoices, and prioritize payments based on urgency.

Filter | Description |
Group | Group of locations to run a report on Select “All” from the group dropdown to run the report across all groups |
Location | Select a Group, then choose a specific location or choose "All" from the Location drop-down |
Aged as of | Invoices by aging buckets as of given date |
Invoice Status | Current state of the invoice in the system |
Vendor ID | Invoices by specified vendor |
Field Description
Field | Description |
Location | Location specified on your invoice |
Invoice # | Invoice number specified on your invoice |
Invoice Date | Invoice date specified on your invoice |
Invoice Due Date | If Net Terms are specified, then the Due Date = Invoice Date + Term. Otherwise, the Due Date = Invoice Date. |
Vendor ID | Accounting Vendor ID |
Vendor Name | Accounting Vendor Name |
Status | Status of invoice Exported: Invoice has been exported Approved: Invoice has been approved Pending: Invoice has not been exported or approved |
Aging | Aged as of Date - Due Date |
Opening Balance | Sum of the spend for invoice |
Approved Approver | List of approvers who approved the invoice |
Pending Approver | List of approvers pending approval |
Memo | Memo added to invoice |
Flagged Issue | Invoice Issues |
Access Model
Category: Accounts Payable
Available to users as a standard report across all plans